Thursday, August 5, 2010

Review: Awakened by a Kiss by Lila DiPasqua

From the Author's website:
Three classic fairytales—“Sleeping Beauty,” “Puss in Boots,” and “Little Red Riding Hood”—cleverly retold with enough sensual twists to prove wickedly ever after does exist…

Sleeping Beau: Five years ago, the notorious rake, Adrien d’Aspe, Marquis de Beaulain, was awakened by a sensuous kiss—and experienced a night of raw ecstasy that was branded into his memory. Years later, he spots his mysterious seductress—and this time, he has no intention of letting her go…

Little Red Writing: Nicolas de Savignac, Comte de Lambelle, has been assigned by the King to uncover the secret identity of the author writing scandalous stories about powerful courtiers. He never expected his investigation would lead to his grandmother's house, or to a ravishing woman who would stir his deepest hunger…

Bewitching in Boots: Elisabeth de Roussel, daughter of the King, is accustomed to getting what she wants—and she wants Tristan de Tiersonnier, Comte de Saint-Marcel, an ex-commander of the King’s private Guard. A recent injury has forced Tristan to leave his distinguished position, but Elisabeth is determined to make him see he's every bit the man he once was—and more than man enough for her..


The premise of this book sounded very interesting - erotic fairy tales? They were not exactly what I'd expected but I did find the book enjoyable.

In Sleeping Beau, Adrien is the newly legitimate son of the king. He's at a house party where all the ton is there, when he spies a stunning woman - a woman he'd had an unbelieveable encounter with five years previously. She'd come to his bed, had amazingly erotic sex, and then left him without a backward glance. He'd not forgotten her since. Catherine has her reasons for the events of that evening, and when she arrives at her friend's home and sees Lord Adrien she is upset. He eventually corners her and she slowly reveals her reasons for their encounter. He convinces her to agree to a daliance while they are staying on the estate, until her betrothed comes to claim her; he doesn't mention his sister is her betrothed's mistress...

This story was very erotic. Catherine had a history that made me want an HEA for her. Adrien was a good as hero, the reformed rake, smitten by the "mystery woman" who tamed his heart. The events at the end of the story came as a surprise, and tied neatly in with the original fairy tale.


In Little Red Writing, Nicholas nickname The Wolf) is a Musketeer, searching his estranged grandmother's home for evidence of an author penning illegal books. He's narrowed it down to the three sisters living in his grandmother's home, but doesn't know which one it is. Anne and her sisters write the stories, aiding women who have no one else to turn to - airing their grievances while at the same time exposing the male aristocracy for the insults committed against those who are helpless in society (ie, women). As cold-hearted Nicholas begins his investigation, he is taken by the beauty of Anne, and after bedding her, begins to fall in love.
Anne's past had shaped her into a bitter woman, focusing only on the injustices in life, until Nicholas showed her passion. By the time Nicholas acknowledged his feelings for Anne, it was too late - the King demanded an audience. At first I wasn't too fond of Nicholas, but by the end of the story he surprised me and won me over! (And it wasn't just the desk sex!!)


Bewitching in Boots has two of my favorite storylines: Enemies to Lovers, and Women in Historical Novels Who Wear Men's Clothing (I don't know why I like that but I do!). I think this was my favorite of the three stories - Elizabeth, favored daughter of the King, arrives at the home of Tristan, the King's former chief guard, planning to seduce him into her bed and into marriage, which will be difficult to do as he hates her. Elizabeth knows the king is planning to marry her off again and this time she wants to choose her husband. This was a nice story and I liked both the hero and heroine. There was some light bondage (yay!) and the ending made me happy.

I think sometimes with short stories, the authors have to jump right into the "good stuff" so they can occasionally feel a bit abrubt. These stories were an entertaining take on traditional fairy tales, every now and then I'd catch something and think "yes, from the original fairy tale", which made it fun.

My rating:

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Good review.
    I do like different sorts of fairy tale re-tellings, some are just so cool

  2. I do like fairy tale retellings, although I like them best set in the modern day.

  3. Great review Patti! I loved this collection. Especially SLEEPING BEAU. That's my fave.

  4. Excellent review Patti, I know what you mean about short stories and novellas, sometimes you would like a little more "substance". Sometimes however I really enjoy a quick satisfying read!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Laurie: Thanks - I like the cover too :)

    Blodeuedd: These were certainly "grown-up" versions but they were fun.

    Chris: I think I'd like modern day retellings a lot!

    VFG: He was a hottie :)

    Lea: Yes, sometimes they're just the right length for a quick, hot read!

  6. I love puss in boots, is one of my favorite fairy tales, i want to read the book, but i not shure if that will be nice with the sexual theme...
